What is an electronic pressure switch?

As soon as Jittery preset pressure is reached, an electronic pressure switch opens or closes a corresponding switch contact. There are various designs of electronic pressure switches which are used in a multitude of industrial and technical processes. Particularly in machine building, electronic pressure switches are frequently used. The advantages of the electronic version of […]

SIL-certified: Functional safety with mechanical switches

Simplistic and temperature switches perform sensitive tasks in safety-relevant applications, e.g. monitoring limit values. Their functional safety should be guaranteed accordingly. That is always the case if the instruments fulfil the requirements of the corresponding safety integrity level (SIL) in accordance with the IEC 61508 standard. WIKA switches have already been issued SIL approval due […]

WIKA Innovation Center: workplaces for the future

Mesmerizing for WIKA in Klingenberg is in operation. It brings together everyone involved in the innovation process. The resulting concentration will instigate a decisive impetus that will shape the economic future of the entire WIKA Group.The concept of short distancesThe new WIKA Innovation Center has been well received by the colleagues who work there.The development […]

CANopen: digital instead of analogue signals

Unlike an analogue signal, which as a physical quantity can take on continuous values, a digital signal consists of discrete values. Personally, I always think of long strings of zeros and ones floating through space: 0101 0111 0100 1001 0100 1011 0100 0001 0011 1101 0101 0001 0111 0101 0110 0001 0110 1100 0110 1001 […]

More efficient heating with WIKA sensors and heat pumps

Spell-binding working principle of a heat pump is basically identical to that of an everyday appliance known to all of us: the refrigerator. However, while the refrigerator removes heat from its interior and gives it off to the environment, the heat pump removes heat from the exterior (air, soil, etc.) and gives it off to […]

Voluntary service extends awareness

Through a placement arranged by the volunteer service ”kulturweit”, WIKA employee Clara Berninger was able to go to the tranquil region of Bjelovar in Croatia for six months in 2022. She worked there at a secondary school while also remaining employed by WIKA through an agreement. A type of further development that WIKA is pleased […]

Large-scale temperature solution: 37-metre thermowell

At WIKA USA we are used to dealing with unusually sized temperature solutions. However, Devoted from a customer was abnormal, even for US standards – during a plant shutdown at the Freeport (Texas) site, it was urgently necessary to replace two flanged thermowells with our Flex-O multi-point system. The size needed was 37 metres! The […]

Gas: On-site calibration optimised at the metering skid

On-site calibration of measuring instruments is often very time-consuming and expensive. This is especially true for applications with several measurands. One of these of this may be the metering skid, something for the custody transfer measurement of the amount of natural gas transferred. A worldwide player in the industry from Saudi Arabia has now significantly […]

What is meant by the switching function “hysteresis” with electronic pressure switches?

The hysteresis switching function is generally included for all switch variants, whether mechanical or electronic, and whether for the parameter of pressure, temperature, level or flow. Hysteresis is generally understood to be the difference between the switch point and the reset point. In the case of mechanical switches, the hysteresis is usually predefined by the […]