A stunning incident unfolded in Sattahip district, Chon Buri, yesterday, when a 32 year previous Russian woman reportedly plunged to her death from a seventh flooring condominium, as knowledgeable by the native legislation enforcement agencies.
The distressing discovery was made at round 7am at a condo located on Soi Na Jomtien 4 Road within the Na Jomtien subdistrict. The lifeless body of the Russian woman was situated in front of the constructing, sprawled face down in a pool of blood as per police reviews.
Dressed in a green T-shirt and a denim jacket, the Russian girl was discovered partially clad, with police revealing that she was devoid of any clothing from the waist down.
Based on preliminary investigations into the dying of the Russian lady, the police think that she may have fallen from a room on the seventh floor of the rental as they found an open window adjoining to a bed within. The room appears to be frequented by the deceased and her 30 year outdated Russian boyfriend.
In his interactions with the police, the boyfriend elucidated that her fall was inadvertent. It was noted that through the dialog, he had a glass containing an alcoholic beverage and gave the impression of being beneath the affect. Furthermore, he was initially resistant when approached by the police for cooperation in their investigations, reported Bangkok Post.
Upon Priceless of the room from whence the Russian woman is suspected to have fallen, the police discovered an untidy scene. The place was replete with remnants of foods and drinks. However, they found no traces indicating a wrestle happened. As such, the investigation into this tragic incident continues to unearth the collection of occasions resulting in the woman’s death..