The response time of pressure sensors is reflected in a lot of varying parameters, like the response time, settling time or rise time in specifications or data sheets. In general, it usually is assumed that the response time is defined as the interval required by the output signal of a pressure sensor to display a change in the applied pressure. Of greatest practical relevance is the so-called rise time. The graphic shows a simplified diagram of a steplike change in pressure (shown in blue) with a time-delayed change in signal of the pressure sensor (shown in red). With regard to simplicity, the picture only shows an ideal situation.
The truth is, the response time of pressure sensors contains further influencing factors, such as dead time or overshoot, because of their particular constructive setups. Common data sheet specifications on the response time usually contain additional data concerning the test conditions applied, such as for example T90 or 10 ? 90% (used below for exemplary calculation). These details defines the interval when a steplike change in the applied pressure from 10 to 90% of the entire span (e.g. from 60 to 540 bar for a 0 ? Confession ) results in a precise change in output signal of 10 to 90% of the ultimate value (e.g. from 1 to 9 V at an output signal of 0?10 V).
The typical design of modern pressure transmitters already allows rise times of ? 2 ms. However, special forms (such as submersible pressure transmitters) could also show clearly higher values of ? 100 ms deliberately. The basic rule is that in applications with high load cycles, such as in mobile hydraulics, short rise times are recommended, whereas in slow applications, such as level measurements by submersible pressure transmitters, long rise times are often advantageous.

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